Tuesday, August 12, 2008

File Extension COB

File Extension Name: COB

File Extension Description: The file extension .cob is a .cos file compiled into a COB file using CyberLife COB Compiler. The file extension function is Creatures Compiled Object File. This is a game file from Gameware Development (the new owner of the Creature Labs brand and its associated titles).

The COB file is part of the open-ended games of Creatures and Creatures Docking Station. These games are in a way similar to other Internet pet-rearing games. The player chooses a pet, takes care of that pet by feeding, playing with, and accessorizing. The similarities end here.

The player in Creatures can go different ways. One may opt to focus on a single creature or maintain a healthy population of Norns. The background story of this game is interesting. Norns are artificial life forms. They are bred and propagated all over the virtual world on the internet. The Norn creature though existing in the parallel reality of the cyberspace has the entire physical and physiological attribute of advanced earth life forms.

These beautiful creatures have genetic materials (digital DNA), complex biochemistry, organ systems, and a brain that stores information which makes them learning “living creature”. Like earth creatures, the digital genetic code determines the phenotype (i.e. physical appearance, physiological and biochemical capabilities, intelligence, etc.). Mixture of parent DNA is passed to the offspring. Selective breeding for desirable attributes like good looks/cuteness and better abilities can be done.

Maintaining the physical health of Norns requires attention to their needs. It may not be easy at times. There can be a rewarding feeling to see your Norns always on the go. There may be problems but these are there to test the player’s mettle.

These artificial life forms have brains capable of learning. It is up to the player to guide them through their lives. They can be taught about right and wrong similar to guiding human child (or young animals in some way). It could be a punishment or reward system.

Author: Gameware Development Ltd.

Author URL: http://www.gamewaredevelopment.co.uk/

Associated Applications: Creatures, Creatures Docking Station

Common Path: N/A

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